
Jane Petroff Joins Axylyum Charter as Director of Capital Markets

NEW YORK, NEW YORK (November 23, 2021) – CRE financial firm, Axylyum Charter,  announced today that Jane Petroff has been named Director of Capital Markets. The parent company of the growth enablement product, AXY Wrap™, has increased staffing considerably as they continue to expand their national presence. 

A first for the industry, this portfolio-wide engagement option enables lenders to grow their business by the removal of default risk–ultimately decreasing servicing expenses, carrying costs, and property disposition time. 

“On behalf of the team at Axylyum, I want to welcome Jane to the organization. Her experience with working with financial institutions coupled with her extensive knowledge of state and federal financial regulations will enable Axylyum Charter to offer strong underwriting positions on AXY Wrap™ optioned portfolios. She is going to be a significant asset to the organization,” stated Bryce Malone, managing director at Axylyum Charter. 

Prior to joining Axylyum Charter, Jane held executive positions at both J.P. Morgan Chase and New York Commercial Bank where she oversaw business lending and the implementation of consumer and commercial real estate products. 

“I am pleased to join Axylyum Charter during this period of significant expansion. It’s exciting to be able to join a company that is set to change the entire landscape of an industry. I anticipate continued success for this organization and look forward to participating in Axylyum’s growth,” stated Jane. 

In her new role, Jane will oversee the evaluation and approval of credit line increases, wholesale credit commitments to Axylyum’s brokers, and promulgation of underwriting guidelines for new AXY Wrap™ optioned portfolios. 

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